Stewardship at Deerfield Community Church is a year-round practice. We focus on the giving and receiving of money as well as time, talents, and other treasures. We know that all people are at different points in their journey and are able to give what fits in with their lives. We look at Stewardship in a way that embodies being good stewards of our planet, our community, and each other. The funds we raise help our missions and outreach, our education and learning, and our worship and praising of God. Because of our generous members, we are able to support local food banks, help neighbors in need, and even reach out to those outside of the United States. We have been able to create programs for youth and adult learning that are fun, engaging, and help us to think deeply about what it means to be a Christian. And, our historic sanctuary was able to be transformed into a modern place of worship complete with the proper equipment to have Zoom worship and screens to project our songs and prayers for easier viewing during worship. Stewardship at DCC is about sharing our incredible blessings to further our relationship with God and we encourage all who visit to share in that goal of using our time, talents, and treasures to make a better world.