Our Ministries
Our Sunday morning services and special seasonal offerings, as well as life-cycle ceremonies such as weddings and memorial services, are all in the context of Christian worship.
Learning and growing in faith is an essential part of our church’s community. We offer programs, activities and groups of all kinds for all ages.
Our mission statement affirms that “we come together in the name of Jesus Christ to worship, pray, learn, and serve.” In so many ways, these four actions are entwined.
Our mission is to promote stewardship as a year-round practice of giving and dialog, using and sharing each of our incredible blessings to further our relationship with God.

iThe Missions and Ministries of the Deerfield Community Church
At DCC, we believe God calls each of us to use our gifts and talents in active pursuit of God’s will for Creation so that, as Jesus taught us, God’s will may be done, and God’s kinship be made real on earth as it already is in heaven.Toward that divinely-inspired goal of discipleship in our faith community, DCC invites all to become actively involved in the life of the church. We believe that this active involvement is a vital part of each person’s faith journey, turning our beliefs into tangible actions for Christ’s sake and the sake of us all. How is God calling you to become involved? Perhaps you don’t see the ministry or mission to which God has been/is calling you. Let us know how we might partner together to help you put your passions for kindness, compassion, mercy, and grace into action?
Adult Education
Throughout the year various adult education opportunities are offered. These may be in the form of Bible studies, book groups, discussions on certain topics, or workshops.
Aging with Grace
Faithful group of people who are “sometimes” excited to embrace the changes of Aging by learning, sharing and growing through reading great books together and through sharing each other’s experiences. We meet in-person and on zoom connecting with friends and family not only in NH but from MD and SC too!
Alzheimer/Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group
A confidential support group for caregivers, we gather on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month to lovingly support and learn together.
Blankets for Ukraine
In partnership with the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in Manchester, NH, this ministry involved over 60 volunteers of all ages. The mission began with the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine in March of 2022. Thus far, over 1,000 tie blankets have been lovingly made and delivered to the children of Ukraine along an attached card with the message:” You are in our thoughts and prayers” and “Peace” in Ukrainian. This mission has turned into a long-term ministry of peace to all who have their lives and country destroyed by the ravages of war.
Blood Drive
This mission has been providing blood drives since 2012. Over these years, many units have been donated, new donors, both locally and regionally, get in the habit of giving. You can get involved by donating blood or volunteering to meet/greet donors, check them in, and cheer them on.
Book Groups
This group meets weekly. They choose one book at a time and read and discuss one section at a time.
Called to Care
A mission that is available to our members and the wider Deerfield community to help with “a need”. We provide meals, rides, and errands or whatever the need requires. Volunteers from our church are available to support and serve in any way possible.
Christmas Wish Stars
An offshoot program of the Deerfield Food Pantry, families in financial need may request Christmas gifts for their children under the age of 18. These requests are limited to children under the age of 18 and two gifts up to $25 each per child. The requests are written on stars and hung from Christmas trees in the town offices, town library and DCC. Folks who participate in the gifting choose a star, buy the gift, and drop it off at one of those three locations with the star attached, to be given to the family in need before the holiday.
Founded by Church World Service in 1946, the original acronym for CROP was Christian Rural Overseas Program. This 3-mile walk raises funds and awareness about food insecurity worldwide. DCC is a member of the Seacoast CROP Walk, which was second in the state behind Nashua, and 20th nationwide out of 1,300 walks being conducted across the US.
Cross Roads House
Cross Roads House has been an advocate and refuge for those who are unhoused in the Seacoast community since 1982. Along with many other churches, DCC provides a healthy monthly meal to the residents. We have also sponsored families at Christmas time and purchased snow gear for children.
Fair Booth
The booth is the largest fundraiser for the church. Each year it adds about $18,000 to the Capital Reserve Fund. This fund is used to help the church offset the cost of large maintenance projects of the church. There are about 260 positions that need to be filled to operate the booth during the four days of the fair. Get to know members of the church in a different setting as well as meet some of the 150,000 people who come to Deerfield during the Fair. Come on by! Work a shift or two, and purchase one of our famous homemade pies.
Food Pantry
The Pantry provides food to Deerfield families, delivers luncheon food to children during the summer and oversees the Wish Star program at Christmas time. There are about 30 households (75 people) who receive food monthly. Food includes meat, milk, fresh produce, bread.
Game Night
Held every third Friday at 6 pm year-round. All are invited to get to know members while playing a game. Games are available in the Great Room or bring along one of your favorites. All are welcome.
Dress a Girl Around the World started in Oct. 2009, when its founder needed a project for the Hope 4 Women International’s sewing program in Uganda. To date, over one million dresses have been delivered to 82 countries. To learn more about Dress a Girl, visit the Northern New England Chapter Facebook page at – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092961151128 ; attend a local Sew Day; pick up a pamphlet in the great room; or contact participants in our church.
G.O.D. Time (Get Out Doors)
Text Bo or talk with him at coffee hour (he’s the tall guy who lives in the kitchen). Make plans to hike, bike or kayak at a mutually agreeable time during the week.
Got Lunch
In 2012, we started our Got Lunch Program under the Food Pantry, to provide healthy groceries to Deerfield children throughout the summer. Volunteers deliver fresh fruit and veggies and lunch items on Monday mornings. Over the years, we have touched the lives of many hungry families as well as those who have volunteered for this program.
Greeting Card Club
The mission of our card making club is to bring joy and caring to our church and community families. This group of members really treasures our time making the cards – a great fellowship! Birthday and Anniversary cards are also sent from an anonymous member of the congregation to every member of our church community. Thank you!
Guys in Grace (GIG)
GIG is a group that began many, many years ago as an offshoot from a Lenten Series.
Originally it was a group of men who gathered to be in fellowship and discuss events in their lives through a spiritual lens. The number of folks who attend fluctuates over the years. We open each meeting with a reading of the day’s devotional and then discuss the impact that it has on our daily lives, closing with prayer. That’s it, a group sharing an important time in our lives. No mission. No fundraising. Just inner peace.
Habitat for Humanity
Our church coordinates with the Southeast NH Habitat for Humanity that builds simple, decent, affordable homes in partnership with hard-working local families in Strafford and Rockingham Counties. Involvement with Habitat for Humanity is continuous and our team of six recently spent a beautiful April day working on a home in Farmington for a family of five. All levels of experience are welcomed and another date in August or September is being considered.
Haiti Ministries
In recent years, the Haiti ministries have helped support over one hundred Haitians to start businesses so they can keep their families intact; helped dozens of children at the CH Orphanage by paying for the lease on their building and providing school and health care supplies; and helped the organization Beyond Borders, which focuses on preventing violence against women and children, and supporting children’s education. This mission is funded through projects such as the Haiti Tea and the holiday craft fair, and through direct donations from members of the congregation.
Holiday Craft Fair
This event takes place the Saturday before Thanksgiving every year. Between table rentals for vendors and crafters, the snack bar, holiday wreath sales, and a “donations room”, we’ve raised over $3000 each year for a variety of church ministries such as Haiti, various local non-profit groups such as the Deerfield Women’s Club, Historical Society, Ladies’ Auxiliary, and some of the classes at the school.
Horton Center
The summer camp is the centerpeice of the NH Conference of the United Church of Christ’s Outdoor Ministries–with an emphasis on community building and our natural world. A respite from our tech-centric society, we focus on our connection to God and each other. Located in the White Mountains National Forest, near Gorham NH. All are welcome to come, stay, and reconnect by disconnecting.
We are the Welcoming Team for new visitors and all the DCC family! We help newcomers feel as though they bnelong – reaching out with warm smiles, handmade prayer Malas, yummy homemade goodies and hugs when requested! We coordinate potlucks and other events that bring us together and share time, meals and God’s love with our extended community.
Inn at Deerfield
Founded in 1983, the Inn at Deerfield specializes in the care and wellbeing of those struggling with dementia. A team of DCC members gather the residents together for a monthly worship service with Communion.
Men’s Breakfast
On the 3rd Saturday of the month, there is an open invitation for men to come together from 7 to 9. We share in fun, fellowship, food, and faith. We talk about the great food and fellowship that we have, but it is the time together exploring our call and relationship with God that gets us out of bed at the time.
Potluck dinners are held monthly throughout the year to foster Christian fellowship. They may have a special theme such as for Valentine’s Day, can feature musical performances, and may also feature specialty dishes. They are sometimes associated with a fund-raising event. These gatherings are a lively and joyous time for sharing a delicious meal while celebrating the spirit of the Church’s wider mission.
This event is an opportunity to put action to our Open and Affirming statement. We live this oath we took by participating in PRIDE festivals in June in our state. We show those in the LGBTQ+ community that God loves them just as they are by offering a graciously welcoming theology, smiles, hugs, a listening ear, and maybe even temporary tattoos.
Senior Lunch
Senior Luncheon has a long history. It is a monthly event that takes place in the Great Room on the second Thursday of the month, March through December. The Senior Luncheon is open to all members of the community who are looking for a social outlet and an opportunity to have a wonderful meal together.
Social Justice Group
Our group came together out of our mutual interest in learning, stretching, and growing through listening to the experiences of others; especially others who have been historically marginalized and oppressed in our culture. We believe God’s call to love our neighbors and enemies both should spur us to compassion, curiosity, education, and action. Our hope is to offer a range of opportunities to engage, including book studies, speakers, documentaries and movies, local excursions, and local and regional participation and action.
Spring Clean-Up
Many hard workers have undertaken the clean-up and beautification of the church grounds including winter sand removal, leaf clean up, pruning, weeding, planting, fertilizing and watering of annuals and perennials, spreading bark mulch and wood chips.
Stephen Ministers
Stephen Ministers meet twice a month for Training and Support. We believe that countless people are helped on a regular basis, thanks to the caring, preparation, and seeking out to walk alongside anyone who is faced with any kind of challenge that life can present to us. They are here for all!
Sunday School
Sunday School for children in kindergarten through fifth grade meets upstairs each Sunday after church. Our goal is to help our youth experience and grow in God’s love through both Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament Bible stories.
UCC 5 for 5
We are a 5 for 5 church! Along with 1,600 other churches, we are doing God’s work in the world:
– Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM) which is basic funding for both the local and wider church. Justice & Witness, General Ministries and the Pension Board.
– Neighbors in Need (NIN) supports ministries of justice & compassion in the US–justice initiatives, advocacy efforts and direct service projects through grants.
– Strengthen the Church (ST) supports leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation is existing churches.
– One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) responds to humanitarian & development issues in the world such as clean water, food, education, health care, advocacy, resettlement of refugees and displaced persons, disaster preparedness and response.
– The Christmas Fund also known as Veterans of the Cross. Funds are provided for ministerial assistance for those who serve the church and face financial difficulties.
Women Supporting Women at Horton Center
Women are always supporting women here at DCC, but this mission has expanded its reach through wonderful weekend events held at Horton Center on Pine Mountain in Gorham, NH. In this special “thin” place in the world where the heavens are somehow closer, women from our community have participated in friendship & faith encounters to learn about ourselves, one another, and our purpose & calling in our world.
Women’s Prayer Groups
The Women’s Prayer Group is a small group that meets twice a month to study, pray, and support each other. Currently there is a need for a second group to start.
Deerfield Community Wood Bank serves Deerfield and adjoining towns: Epsom, Candia, Raymond, Northwood, Allenstown, and Nottingham. Up to one half cord will be available to households for emergency use. We envision being open from November through March or until our wood is gone. The wood is donated, and the bank is run by volunteers. This year we hope to have at least 10 cords available which would serve 20 households. Last year we served approximately 6 households.
Wreath-Making Elves
Held during the Holiday Fair, we have given out an average of $1,250 per year to various groups including the Food Pantry, Benevolence Fund, Got Lunch, Servants for Haiti, Inn at Deerfield, Habitat for Humanity, Wish Stars, and Granite VNA Elves are always needed to make the bows and bind together the pinecones that decorate each of the 180 wreaths.
Youth Group
We are engaging with the future of the church by offering the youth an opportunity to have fun, faith, and fellowship. We care about creating an environment where all questions are welcome, and our youth can explore, broaden, and deepen their faith. We meet once a month, generally over dinner in the great room, and sometimes we plan other activities, outings, and opportunities to serve in the community-at-large.