Jennifer Hurley ~ Discipling Deacon
Learning and growing in faith is an essential part of our church’s community. We offer programs, activities and groups of all kinds for all ages.

All of the below activities are led by lay leaders and welcome new participants.
Men’s Breakfast: Gathering a high percentage of DCC Men for fellowship, good food, and spiritual growth discussions, this group continues to grow and enhance the relationships of men engaged in DCC activities and worship. They meet once month on the 3rd Saturday at 7am.
Aging with Grace: Meeting weekly, this group meets to discuss issues, (sometimes books) related to the process of aging. Sharing the journey of aging in Christian fellowship enriches their faith.
Reel Faith: Meeting throughout the year, all adults are welcome to join the fun to watch a selection of movies that share a variety of messages. Rich discussions follow the movie.
Tuesday Prayer Group meets each Tuesday at 5 p.m. Gathering to share joys and concerns, followed by group prayers.
Thursday AM Prayer Group A hardy group of prayers meet weekly at 7am to start their day full of God’s grace.
Guys (and Gals) in Grace (GIG) meet weekly during the day. A group that grew out of an all-church wide Lenten study. All are welcome to join the discussions and fellowship.
Women’s Fellowship and Ladies Aid gathers church women for fellowship and prayer, supporting church out-reach, activities, providing food for varied occasions and filling in the spaces that need attention.
Hospitality Team focuses on welcoming all who enter the church-visitors, new-comers, and fellow parishioners. A small but active body of our faithful, they sponsor seasonal pot-luck suppers, make malas for visitors, provide parking guidance for special services and share our Christian joy!
3G 101 (Growing in God’s Grace) is our membership series open to those who wish to become covenanted members or just to learn more about our church. In six sessions, our church structure, spiritual practices, getting to know each other, history of the church, plus more are covered. It is offered yearly and the Pastor and Support Team are the leaders.
Book Groups meet frequently and include a wide variety of books. Some samples are: The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr, Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, The Gifts of the Jews by Thomas Cahill.
Advent and Lenten Study groups, are initiated yearly. These study groups are formed to focus on specific books and resources and support the enrichment of the season.
Christian Ed for our Children and Youth focuses on providing an engaging curriculum focusing on biblical stories and Jesus’ message of love. Our children and youth attend worship in the sanctuary, and after participate in classes
Presently, class breakdown is K-4th grade and 5th and up.
Nursery accepts our youngest up through age of 4. Our nursery is staffed by two adults. The nursery is open every Sunday morning.
Youth Group meets monthly for Christian fellowship and fun.
Note: All adults involved with children and youth must pass a background check and registration is required for all, infants to youth, engaged in church programs.